
Outfitters Spotlight: Aggipah River Trips

orange kayak on the salmon river

There are two things you want to research before you go on a whitewater rafting trip: you want to know the river you're rafting--the history, the location, the local wildlife--and you also want to know the outfitter who is taking you on your trip. The folks on our Shuttles for Idaho Salmon River Rafting have taken the time to gather some information about outfitters, and today, the spotlight is on Aggipah River Trips.

Suzanne Bolin: as the Driver of the Week

Suzanne Bolin

When the mother of a school student that had some challenges, especially when it came to strangers, noticed who was driving the bus going past their home, everything changed.

That mom had been transporting her daughter to and from school. Her daughter liked people, but not strange people, making it a little technical to ride a school bus. But now, the mother felt there wouldn’t be any problem.

CTC driver Suzanne Bolin had been that girl’s preschool teacher. 

Becky Hardin: CTC's Driver of the Week

ctc driver of the week

When Becky Hardin drove past Caldwell Transportation Company every day on the way to her job at a large grocery store chain, she always saw the “Now Hiring” banner.

Working too many long hours at her current job, Becky felt she spent too much time away from her kids, One day, after driving past CTC, she thought, “Why not?” That was eleven years ago.

A.J. Nestor: CTC's Driver of the Week

driver of the week

When A.J. Nestor’s former brother-in-law convinced her to apply at the bus company where he worked, she did so, but she also applied at Caldwell Transportation.

Caldwell Transportation called back first.

Being between jobs, A.J. didn’t plan to drive a bus for long. In her mind, she was there temporarily. That was back in the nineties. We’ve been lucky enough to have kept A.J. around for a good while.

“Bus driving is just second nature now,” says A.J., “the more you go, the easier it gets.”

Rules of the Road

Boise Shuttle Service

It is difficult to truly define the "Rules of the Road." Of course, there are the basic rules that we all know (well, most of us), the same ones that we studied so diligently when trying to get our license for the first time. Don't run red lights. Stop at the stop signs. Obey the speed limit. We've known these rules since we were little kids, driving toy cars instead of real ones. However, there is another layer to the Rules of the Road, one that is not written in any manual or included in any DMV test.

Drive, Don't Fly (and Here's Why)

family enjoying their roadtrip

Driving has been a huge part of our lives for generations. From the first, grumbling old cars to place tire on the road, to the modern-day sports cars that purr like kittens, automobiles have grown and changed with us; they are undeniably part of who we are. Who doesn't remember the joy of getting a driver's license, the thrill of buying a first car, the quiet longing with which we all stare at shiny new cars in car lots? It's true--driving has shaped not only our nation and our world but our lives.

Benefits of Hiring a Corporate Bus

Corporate Bus Driver

Are you a "people person?" Sometimes, this can be a difficult question to answer. After all, on some level, you have to be a "people person" just to survive in the world; if you couldn't have conversations, communicate, collaborate, and make friends, you would be existing in a very narrow and lonely version of reality. Humans rely on other humans.

Coordinating Event Shuttle Services

Boise Shuttle Service

Transportation has changed the way we see and interact with our world. Not so very long ago, we were at the mercy of the vast and untamed oceans; we traveled only across our own continents, and oftentimes not even that. The world was hardly a world--more like a puzzle with pieces spread out, lonely and quiet, across the carpet. Entire lives were lived without once seeing the lights of a grand European city, the glow of a thousand southeast-summer fireflies, the dance of the Northern Lights, or the majesty of a rain forest.

Tips for Corporate Travel

Corporate Travel with Caldwell Transporation

Traveling can be fun, even if it is for work. But traveling for business requires different approaches in many ways. If you are about to be traveling for business for the first time, or even if you have before but would like to have better travel methods, this post is for you. Here are a few tips for corporate travel.

Basic Tips for Rafting the Salmon River

Salmon River Idaho Rafting

The Salmon River in Idaho offers amazing rafting experiences. It's a favorite Idaho pastime to raft the Salmon, but if you're planning your first experience, here are a few basic tips to know before you go.

The Right Outfitter

Choosing the best place to take you on your adventure is key. Ask around for suggestions, and ask the outfitter any questions you have before you book with them. Some key things to inquire about: guide training, how they adhere to regulations, and any other concerns you might have.