Basic Tips for Rafting the Salmon River

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Salmon River Idaho Rafting

The Salmon River in Idaho offers amazing rafting experiences. It's a favorite Idaho pastime to raft the Salmon, but if you're planning your first experience, here are a few basic tips to know before you go.

The Right Outfitter

Choosing the best place to take you on your adventure is key. Ask around for suggestions, and ask the outfitter any questions you have before you book with them. Some key things to inquire about: guide training, how they adhere to regulations, and any other concerns you might have.

The Life Jacket

Your personal flotation device (PFD), or life jacket, is the most important thing you'll wear on the boat. Make sure you wear it correctly, and that it fits you correctly and be sure to ask your guide to help you to ensure you are safe.

The Gear

Some other important things to wear:

  • Helmet
  • Proper attire for the weather (ask your outfitter for suggestions!)
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses (not your most expensive pair!)

Again, your outfitter should have plenty of information for you about what to expect on your trip. They can suggest whether you should wear a wetsuit or not, and oftentimes they have rentals available for any gear you don't own.

The Paddle

Many new rafters overlook the paddle. They think that it's no big deal: you just hold it and row, right? Not so fast. The paddle can be a big safety issue if held incorrectly or disregarded. Your guide can give you a lesson on holding the paddle and what to do with it if someone goes overboard, but learn the basics before you go to help you feel comfortable with it from the get-go.

The Boat

Obviously, you want to stay in the boat, but make sure you know proper swimming techniques in case you fall out. Your guide should give you a rundown on what to do in case of someone being ejected from the boat. But again, learning some of the proper techniques can give you peace of mind before you go. And it's never bad to go into a rafting experience armed with plenty of information.

The easiest part of your Salmon River rafting trip is figuring out how to get there: that's where we come in. Contact Caldwell Transportation today!